How to look your best on Zoom

With every social event, work meeting and family gathering being relegated to Zoom, it’s more important than ever to feel and look your best on camera. Here are a couple of easy tips that the Even if it Kills Me team has compiled to help you crush the Zoom doldrums and stand out on-screen!


You want to be the main focus of your zoom call, not the awkward tower of books (or worse) on the shelf behind you. The best way to achieve this is by sitting in front of a plain wall. If this isn’t possible with the layout of your house put up a Zoom background. This way, you can keep your privacy intact, the focus on you, and everyone can vicariously lounge on a beach in Cancun. With our murder mysteries, we provide custom zoom backgrounds, ensuring you never have to worry about looky-loos.  


You always want the light facing you. If you feel like investing in your zoom set up, a ring light is the easiest and best option. 

In the daytime, turn so you are facing the window. Natural light is always the most complimentary. You always want your source of light to come from in front of you to minimize shadows and have you glow.
If you are using indoor lighting, put your lamp directly in front of you, any side or back lighting will create strange silhouettes. 


You want your camera positioned directly in front of you and slightly above you for the most flattering angles. Make sure you are in the middle of the frame and that your entire face fits. Ideally, you would take up, at least, one third of the shot! 


Bright, solid colors always pop on camera and are the most flattering. You want to avoid stripes, checks and any other small and busy patterns. On camera, these create a distracting visual allusion called moire pattern which you want to avoid. 

Just by doing these small things you will make the most of your Zoom calls and allow everyone to focus on what matters, you!

Even if it Kills Me provides immersive murder mystery experiences on Zoom for you, your friends, coworkers and family! By using these on-camera tips, we can ensure you take the worry out of Zoom logistics and can concentrate on finding the killer!


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